Monday, 17 May 2021

Making fortune tellers/chatter box

 Hello bloggers. On Monday I made a fortune teller but my family callers  it a chatter box we made the fortune tellers with the deputy principle Miss McGrath .

We had to do step by step the teacher gave us the instructions but she was going to fast I could barley catch up to the step we were on it was kinda hard but. We we got to the part were you had to make it open it mouth and that part was the most hardiest part out of all the other part so because I couldn't do that part someone came and help me do and that was Lewis after Lewis helped me we did that things inside of it.

In the inside of the fortune teller we had to write something nice in all of them but we couldn't say you have cool hair or you are pretty and so on we had to do a nice challenge for them like be nice to your parent or say some thing nice to someone.

We also could write something nice to them after we finished we had to walk around and try it out on someone it was super exciting. I really liked making those it was super fun .Hope you try making one. Blog you later!!                                                         this is the instructions for the chatter box  

Chatterbox Fun | Be A Fun Mum 


Friday, 14 May 2021

Training dairy


                                      TRAINING DAIRY!! 

Hello bloggers .On Monday the whole syndicate had to go to Hauraki. When we got to Hauraki we got this training dairy and it was from the warriors it was so cool that we got it from the real warriors. After that every morning we had to get our training dairy from our box and we had to write something nice to someone in our book then we had to say it to them later that day. We had to do that every morning and when it was fruit break time we had to do some of the work outs from the book the book is for you if you are in a sports team it will help you for your team to win.

The next week in the dairy we had to write how many hours we went to sleep for lately I have been getting 10 hours sleep it is good to get 10 to 11 hours sleep. There are different kinds of blocks in the blocks there are different people in the block right now I am on block one and block two the person on block

one is Blake Green and on block two it is David Fusitua the dairy is not hard but the workouts is hard hope you get one to.Blog you later!!